Dystopian Classics

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Dystopian Classics E-kniha, Anglicky
Elektronická kniha
Autor: Jack London
2024, Anglicky, 5 823 strán - Kniha zo série Books to Read Before You Die
25,90 €
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Kód:  EK50185 ISBN: 999-00-039-4656-0
Dystopian Classics 25,90 € Ihneď k čítaniu
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Dystopian Classics

Deep dive into this dark and dangerous collection of ‘Dystopian Classics’ from some of the greatest writers of futuristic fiction to grace the page!

From three friends' attempts at saving their city in ‘Heads of Cerberus’, to reckoning with a powerful plague and changing climates in ‘The Last Man’, this collection features futuristic stories packed with conflicts and dangerous journeys.

We’ll stay in the future fast lane in the original tale of the blockbuster hit film adaptation ‘The Time Machine’. But beware, humanity has divided into two dark and dangerous tribes. Which one will our hero choose? Lastly, ‘The Iron Heel’ sees a failed and forced future of the United States in the years preceding World War 2.

Weaving a thrilling adventure collection of futuristic tales, ‘Dystopian Classics’ is the perfect companion for film fans of ‘Back to the Future’ and ´The Last of Us´.

H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was an English writer and Noble Prize in Literature nominee, prolific across several genres and celebrated as the father of science fiction.

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851) was an English novelist, celebrated for her early example of science fiction in her widely read Gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’.

Jack London (1876-1916) was an American novelist and journalist. Celebrated today as a pioneer of commercial fiction and American magazines, he is also dubbed an innovator in the science fiction genre.

Francis Stevens, pseudonym of Gertrude Barrows Bennet (1884-1948), was a writer of science fiction and fantasy and one of the leading names on the American literary scene.

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